Thursday, September 17, 2009


If I could have one superpower, it would be too be able to read minds. I think reading minds would be awesome, because you could know what people are really thinking, instead of what is just coming out of there mouths. I also think it would be really interesting to know what murders and criminals actually have going through there heads. Being able to read midns would be way better then being able to fly or see through things, because you could actually help other people out as well was yourself.

1 comment:

  1. You present some interesting ideas in your blogs Angelica, but in general they are not developed enough (you need more comments and points to support your main ideas). Your "Top 3" blog on rodeo events is very well done (and if you compare it with your other three blogs you'll see it has far more thought and depth). It is obvious that you are passionate about this topic, and this made it interesting for me, the reader. Please expand your ideas in your other three blogs, and proofread for grammar issues such as the use of there/their.
