Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Top 3

There's quite a few rodeo events out there, but if I had to choose three that are the most challenging, exciting and competive it would be Team Roping, Barrel Racing and Pole Bending. All three events draw alot of crowds out to watch which makes it quite exciting, the three events also take alot of talent, dedication and abitlity to train yourself as well as your horse, clearly that makes the sport of rodeo very challenging. Also everyone who competes are all VERY competitive which makes you way more competitive and push yourself more.

Team Roping is a sport that takes two ropers, you have a header a heeler. First the header and the heeler back there horses into the corner of each box and the cow is in the middle, in it's chute. The header knods and the cows runs out the header and heeler chase behind the cow. The header swings and ropes the cow around the horns, and then dally's (which means you wrap the rope around the saddle horn) you then turn your horse and the cow drags behind. The heeler comes up next and lines there horse up with the back of the cow and swings there rope and throws a heel loop, which wraps around the heels of the cow. The heeler then dally's and stops there horse, the header then turns there horse and waits for the judges timer flag to drop. This event is probably the most challenging because you are not only relying on you and your horse. You also have your partner, there horse and the cow that all have to work together, so it take many hours of practice, so everything flows together and you learn to communicate together. It's also so exciting because the crowd as well as the others gets really pumped up as soon as the header catchs which always makes everything so much better. Team Roping is also EXTREMELY competive, the people who usually team rope have pretty much been roping there whole life. They rope everyday and all day.

Barrel Racing, is the sport for women only. So just the crowds alone make it a crazy event! The guys watching typically get really into this event. It gets pretty exciting. Barrel Racing is all about speed and awesome turns. You and your horse enter the arena at the highest speed you can get your horse to go. You run to your first barrel which is typically to the right of you. The horse will run at its fastest speed until you get to the barrel, it will then start to rate then whip around the barrel to make a smokin' turn. Your horse and you will then run to the second barrel which will be a left hand turn... same thing as the first barrel run as fast as possible, rate then turn the barrel as tight and fast a possible. You will now make your way upto the third and final barrel which is another left hand turn. Once you complete the third barrel you run as fast as your horse can move back to where you entered. After completing you will get a time. Fastest time wins. Barrel Racing take so much dedication. You have to train your horse so it will make turns and learn how to run to its fullest. You as a rider also have to be able to stay on your horse and guide it to where it has to go. It's such a challenging event. The competition in Barrel Racing is insane, there are so many girls who devote there life and time jsut to working on there horse so they can knock off as many seconds as possible, to get the fastest time.

The third best rodeo event that I picked is Pole Bending. When Pole Bending you HAVE to have a quick, fast responding horse. Which take lots of time training to get them like that. As a rider you also have to have a very good seat and good hands to get the horse to go where you want to go. Training a horse to Pole Bend is probably one of the hardest things to do when it comes to the speed events of rodeo. There are six poles set up in a line 21 feet apart. You run through the gate at full speed right up along the right side of the pole. You then get to the pole at the farhtest end of the arena and you make a left hand turn aroudn the pole then weave through the next poles until you get to the next end pole. You and your horse will then make a right hand turn around the pole, and then weave back up the poles, and then you will end up getting to the last pole and make another left hand turn. You then run straight down left hand side of the poles back to the gate. As a rider this event is so exciting, going at full speed while your horse weaves through poles and making super fast turns, it's awesome! The competition is also very very tough. Every rodeo event you enter the competition is tough. But more people enter Pole Bending so it gives you a lesser chance of winning.

When it comes down to all the events Team Roping, Barrel Racing and Pole Bending are my top three by far. The challenge, competition and excitement make it all worth while! And so awesome!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


If I could have one superpower, it would be too be able to read minds. I think reading minds would be awesome, because you could know what people are really thinking, instead of what is just coming out of there mouths. I also think it would be really interesting to know what murders and criminals actually have going through there heads. Being able to read midns would be way better then being able to fly or see through things, because you could actually help other people out as well was yourself.